Students (current)
- [2023-2025] Ovidiu PASCAL applying for the Data Scientist apprenticeship at the CFA Orange: “Développement backend d’une solution d’analyse de risques en cybersécurité”, co-supervised by Yann DUJARDIN.
Students (past)
- [2023] Benjamin STACH for his final year internship at UTBM in Computer Science: “Graphameleon: Détection d’activités illicites”, co-supervised by Yoan CHABOT (on-line resources: Graphameleon & Graphameleon dataset).
- [2022] Yash AGARWALLA and Dario FERRERO for their Engineer’s degree student project at EURECOM Sophia-Antipolis in Computer Science: “SemNIDS: Bringing Semantics into Network Intrusion Detection Systems”, co-supervised by Thibault EHRHART and Raphaël TRONCY (on-line resources: SemNIDS).
- [2022] Mihary RANAIVOSON for his final year internship at Polytech Marseille in Computer Science: “Intégration de données dans un graphe de connaissances pour la détection d’anomalies sur le réseau”, co-supervised by Yoan CHABOT (on-line resources: grlc, SMASSIF-RML).
- [2018] Maria EL HINDY for her final year internship at IMT Atlantique F2R Réseau et Systèmes logiciels: “Orchestration de la Supervision”.
- [2017] Alexandre SOUDAIN for his final year internship at UVSQ - IUT de Vélizy-Rambouillet, “Découverte de l’environnement réseau Datacenter et participation à la mise à disposition d’un environnement de tests : Laboratoire ERDC”.
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